Are Dental Implants Painful? Plus Answers to 4 Other FAQs
When it comes to dental implants, there are a lot of frequently asked questions people have.
Whether you want to know “if dental implants hurt” or “how long dental implants last,” it’s important to get your facts from the right source.
With this in mind, our restorative dentists, Dr. Neal Raval, Dr. Stephen Kohnen, and Dr. Eddie Lee, decided to answer the top 5 frequently asked questions about dental implants.
Click the questions and go directly to the answer you’re looking for, or start from the top and get all the answers from our highly-skilled implant dentists.
- How Do Dental Implants Work?
- How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?
- Are Dental Implants Safe?
- Are Dental Implants Painful?
- How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Q: How do dental implants work?
The three parts of a dental implant function like your natural tooth. They maintain your bone structures and tooth and jaw function for eating and speaking. Each piece has its own part to play when it comes to permanently replacing your missing teeth. Here’s a brief explanation of each part:
1. Implant/Post
This is the foundation. It serves as your new tooth’s root. When it’s complete, you won’t see this part of your dental implant.
2. Abutment
Your new tooth has to be secured to the root. The abutment attaches to the implant and securely holds the crown (tooth) in place.
3. Crown
The ‘tooth’ portion you’ll see is the crown. It’s most often made of durable ceramic in the shape of a tooth. This piece gives the implant a natural shape and appearance.
Q: How long does a dental implant procedure take?
The very short answer: Every case is unique with its own timeline.
Here’s why:
There’s no definitive timeline for dental implants, even though there are only three basic steps. Let’s look at each step, so you see why.
Step 1: Eval and prep
Your consultation and evaluation determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants and what kind of preparation you need for your dental implant. The preparation could be as simple as typical surgical prep or include bone grafting due to bone loss.
Step 2: Implant placement
The surgical procedure to place an implant typically takes one to two hours and three to six months to heal completely. Once healed, your new tooth’s foundation will be ready.
Step 3: Crown
Finally, the abutment will connect to the implant, and a crown will be secured over it.
An impression is made of your mouth, so your new tooth is the correct size, shape, and color for your smile. Your doctor will polish your crown and evaluate your bite to make sure the crown won’t cause issues as you return to your everyday life.
Q: Are dental implants safe?
Dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%… Opens in a new window to WebMD website…, so yes – they’re regarded as extremely safe.
For patients who are in good health, there is almost no risk. Only a small percentage of patients experience complications or failures due to underlying health conditions, poor oral hygiene care, smoking, and infections during the healing process.
When it comes to having the greatest success, look for a restorative dentist who’s a dental implant specialist. They should have 2-3 years of specialized training backing up their skills to maximize your dental implant success.
Are you in the Bellevue and Issaquah areas and want to see if replacing your missing teeth with dental implants in Issaquah is right for you?
Schedule a consultation with us today.
Q: Are dental implants painful?
Due to either general or local anesthesia, your dental implant procedure itself won’t be painful since your mouth will be completely numb.
Once the numbness wears off, you may experience mild discomfort during the first few days of healing. In fact, many patients say it hurts less than the pain surrounding tooth extraction.
Q: How long do dental implants last?
With good oral hygiene, dental implants can last for a lifetime. The implant and abutment are durable and function as part of your bone structure. Your crown will typically last 10-15 years or longer with proper care before needing replacement.
Need more questions answered about dental implants?
There’s a ton of information about dental implants, and most of it won’t be specific to what you need to know.
Our periodontists answered the top questions you might have about dental implants.
Here’s the thing:
When you’re considering replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, the best way to get all your questions answered is to consult a dental implant specialist.
The questions our dentists just answered, and more will be specifically answered based on your needs.
If you’re looking for a dental implant specialist in the Issaquah and Bellevue areas, you need to consult our restorative dentists who know dental implants. After all, it’s the name of our practice: Implant & Periodontic Specialists.
Book a consultation and get the answers you need to make the best decision about restoring your smile with dental implants.
Call us at 425-453-1010
Email us at
Our two offices proudly serve Bellevue, Issaquah, and the Greater Seattle area.